A man enjoys the last minutes of sunlight in Agadir, Morocco.
Domingos Darosa collects needles in Dorchester, Mass.
A man on Mass Ave. deposits used needles in a biohazard collection bin.
Kip Clark sits on the steps of MIT, inviting passersby to speak with him.
A young boy paddle boards through the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Morocco.
A 1960s taxi cab tears through the streets of Havana, Cuba
Domingos Darosa discussing Boston’s opioid crisis.
Phu Tran, owner of RiceWorks, in front of his newest restaurant.
Boys spend a summer afternoon at their local skatepark.
Zach Muse, Lincoln’s police chief.
Three friends watch the sunrise over the Sahara Desert in Merzouga, Morocco.
A florist awaiting customers in Matanzas, Cuba
A cab driver talks shop with passengers in Havana, Cuba
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A man displays sheet music for his self-written jazz song, “Flores.”
Buying morning fruit .
Men discuss business in Chefchaouen, Morocco.
Snorkeling on the coast of Belize.
Camels stroll through the Sahara desert in Merzouga, Morocco.
A police officer watches on as kids skate.
A kayaker explores Mediterranean caves off the coast of Morocco.